412 research outputs found

    Real-Time Communication in Wireless Home Networks

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    This paper describes a medium access protocol for real-time communication in wireless networks. Medium access is controlled by a scheduler, which utilizes a pre-emptive earliest deadline first (PEDF) scheduling algorithm. The scheduler prevents collisions in the network, where normally only collisions are avoided. PEDF is the scheduler of choice, because it has excellent properties with respect to bandwidth utilization, dynamic behaviour and feasibily analysis. The scheduler can be deployed in managed networks, where it resides in the base station, as well as in peer to peer or ad hoc networks, were it is distributed over the stations. The protocol is simulated and an implementation based on IEEE 802.11b is realized

    Opportunistic Sensing in Train Safety Systems

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    Train safety systems are complex and expensive, and changing them requires huge investments. Changes are evolutionary and small. Current developments, like faster - high speed - trains and a higher train density on the railway network, have initiated research on safety systems that can cope with the new requirements. This paper presents a novel approach for a safety subsystem that checks the composition of a train, based on opportunistic sensing with a wireless sensor network. Opportunistic sensing systems consist of changing constellations sensors that, for a limited amount of time, work together to achieve a common goal. Such constellations are selforganizing and come into being spontaneously. The proposed opportunistic sensing system selects a subset of sensor nodes from a larger set based on a common context.We show that it is possible to use a wireless sensor network to make a distinction between carriages from different trains. The common context is acceleration, which is used to select the subset of carriages that belong to the same train out of all the carriages from several trains in close proximity. Simulations based on a realistic set of sensor data show that the method is valid, but that the algorithm is too complex for implementation on simple wireless sensor nodes. Downscaling the algorithm reduces the number of processor execution cycles as well as memory usage, and makes it suitable for implementation on a wireless sensor node with acceptable loss of precision. Actual implementation on wireless sensor nodes confirms the results obtained with the simulations

    Routing in Wireless Multimedia Home Networks

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    This paper describes an adapted version of the destination sequenced distance vector routing protocol (DSDV) which is suitable to calculate routes in a wireless real-time home network. The home network is based on a IEEE 802.11b ad hoc network and uses a scheduled token to enforce real-time behaviour to support multimedia streams. The multimedia network protocol works for both single-hop and multi-hop networks, however in the latter case special measures have to be taken to forward streams from node to node and to find routes. Existing routing protocols exhibit non-deterministic behaviour which may interfere with the correct streaming of multimedia. The proposed routing protocol does not rely on flooding, instead it piggy-backs the real-time token and behaves in a predictable manner. Simulation of the routing protocol shows that routes in the network are found in finite time

    Communicating Personal Gadgets

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    This paper focuses on communication in personal area networks. A personal area networks (PAN) is characterized as an informal collection, or community, of connected small, lightweight, and resource-lean devices, or gadgets. Two basic concepts are visible in the development of PANs, the distributed and the centralized concept. The paper introduces a real-time communication protocol that is suitable for both concepts. The communication protocol can deal with several types of traffic: real-time or nonreal- time, bursty or isochronous, high or low bitrate. The protocol is undemanding in terms of resources, so even simple devices can participate in the network. The network is simulated and a prototype is realized

    Flexible Scheduling in Multimedia Kernels: an Overview

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    Current Hard Real-Time (HRT) kernels have their timely behaviour guaranteed on the cost of a rather restrictive use of the available resources. This makes current HRT scheduling techniques inadequate for use in a multimedia environment where we can make a considerable profit by a better and more flexible use of the resources. We will show that we can improve the flexibility and efficiency of multimedia kernels. Therefore we introduce Real Time Transactions (RTT) with Deadline Inheritance policies for a small class of scheduling algorithms and we will evaluate these algorithms for use in a multimedia environmen

    CODE: description language for wireless collaborating objects

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    This paper introduces CODE, a Description Language for Wireless Collaborating Objects (WCO), with the specific aim of enabling service management in smart environments. WCO extend the traditional model of wireless sensor networks by transferring additional intelligence and responsibility from the gateway level to the network. WCO are able to offer complex services based on cooperation among sensor nodes. CODE provides the vocabulary for describing the complex services offered by WCO. It enables description of services offered by groups, on-demand services, service interface and sub-services. The proposed methodology is based on XML, widely used for structured information exchange and collaboration. CODE can be directly implemented on the network gateway, while a lightweight binary version is stored and exchanged among sensor nodes. Experimental results show the feasibility and flexibility of using CODE as a basis for service management in WCO

    Towards Opportunistic Data Dissemination in Mobile Phone Sensor Networks

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest within the research community in developing opportunistic routing protocols. Many schemes have been proposed; however, they differ greatly in assumptions and in type of network for which they are evaluated. As a result, researchers have an ambiguous understanding of how these schemes compare against each other in their specific applications. To investigate the performance of existing opportunistic routing algorithms in realistic scenarios, we propose a heterogeneous architecture including fixed infrastructure, mobile infrastructure, and mobile nodes. The proposed architecture focuses on how to utilize the available, low cost short-range radios of mobile phones for data gathering and dissemination. We also propose a new realistic mobility model and metrics. Existing opportunistic routing protocols are simulated and evaluated with the proposed heterogeneous architecture, mobility models, and transmission interfaces. Results show that some protocols suffer long time-to-live (TTL), while others suffer short TTL. We show that heterogeneous sensor network architectures need heterogeneous routing algorithms, such as a combination of Epidemic and Spray and Wait

    Service discovery at home

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    Service discovery is a fairly new field that kicked off since the advent of ubiquitous computing and has been found essential in the making of intelligent networks by implementing automated discovery and remote control between devices. This paper provides an overview and comparison of several prominent service discovery mechanisms currently available. It also introduces the at home anywhere service discovery protocol (SDP@HA) design which improves on the current state of the art by accommodating resource lean devices, implementing a dynamic leader election for a central cataloguing device and embedding robustness to the service discovery architecture as an important criterion